The Iowa Professional Development Model
The Iowa Student Achievement and Teacher Quality Act (2001, 2007) required the Iowa Department of Education to establish a model for professional development and created an expectation that school districts implement professional development for the purposes of accomplishing gains in student achievement. In Decorah, we utilize the Iowa Professional Development Model for continuous improvement and to maintain a clear focus on improved student learning.
Decorah’s commitment to working as a professional learning community (PLC) allows educators the opportunity to directly improve teaching and learning by meeting with their PLC to share student progress, and when the data is shared across grade levels, educators and administrators take ownership of every child’s education. PLCs build strong relationships amongst team members, help teachers stay on top of new research and emerging technology tools for the classroom, and help teachers reflect on ways to enhance teaching and to adjust instructional practice.
For more information about our targeted outcomes, professional learning for this school year, and Decorah’s PLC process, please review our DCSD Professional Development Plan (coming soon…) and PLC page on this site.
Professional Development Schedule
20-21 School Year PD Schedule (internal)
21-22 School Year PD Schedule (coming soon…)
Facilitator of Assessment and Instruction- Dana Bockman
- (563) 382-3771
- Email Mrs. Bockman