In Decorah, we believe that teacher evaluation should be a combination of measurement and development, with greater emphasis on development. In order to focus on growth, we have chosen to use the Danielson Instructional Framework, a skill development model with a scale indicating levels of performance. The DCSD Professional Growth Model is meant to be a growth-oriented process utilizing formative, ongoing feedback from those tasked with evaluating teachers, as well as a guide for teacher leaders working with educators.
Our work is enhanced when we can identify and understand clear descriptors around quality education. What does good teaching look like and sound like? How will students benefit from our understanding of the various aspects of effective teaching? Our collective engagement in exploring and ultimately embracing effective teaching through an instructional framework provides the language of teaching we can all use in pursuit of our work within our Professional Learning Community and our own professional growth.
Danielson Instructional Framework
Decorah’s professional growth model utilizes the Danielson Framework to provide clear criteria that define the skill of teaching and recognize and validate individual teaching styles. Our model is focused on making the process we use more formative in nature and less formal as it relates to the paperwork.
Teachers will reflect on the components of their job-specific instructional rubric and participate in discussions with peers, teacher leaders, and administrators throughout the process. The professional growth model is both collaborative and reflective in nature. Beginning teachers (first two years in the profession) will focus on the Framework’s Essential 10 components, while Veteran Teachers New to the District will focus on Domains 2 and 3.
- Framework and Growth Model for Teachers
- Framework and Growth Model for Library/Media Specialists
- Framework and Growth Model for School Counselors
- Framework and Growth Model for Instructional Specialists
- Framework and Growth Model for School Nurses
- Framework and Growth Model for HSAP Teachers
- Framework and Growth Model for Administrators (coming soon…)
ITS & Danielson Framework Correlation
Crosswalk ~ Danielson Framework & Iowa Teaching Standards
Facilitator of Assessment and Instruction- Dana Bockman
- (563) 382-3771
- Email Mrs. Bockman