Quality instructional programs in physical education are essential for building skills, advancing knowledge, and contributing to dispositions toward physical activity at all stages of life.
Standards and Benchmarks
Iowa adopted the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America standards and grade level outcomes for Iowa’s recommended Physical Education Standards.
Health Education Integration
Decorah District incorporates age-appropriate and research-based materials into relevant curricula, including Physical Education classes, and reinforces the importance of preventive measures when reasonable with parents and students. Learn more here.
Physical Education Courses
- General Physical Education EC-8
- Physical Education 9-12
- P.E. Early Bird 10-12
- Interdisciplinary PE 9-12
- Buddy PE 10-12
- PE Sport Waiver 11-12
- Strength and Conditioning 10-12
Graduation Requirements
Four (4) credits must be earned (½ credit per semester).
Physical Education Instructors
High School
- 563-382-3643
- Cristy Nimrod, Email Mrs. Nimrod
- Lori Pierce, Email Mrs. Pierce
- Michael Tangen, Email Mr. Tangen
Middle School
- 563-382-8427
- Jonathon Carlson, Email Mr. Carlson
- Amy Pipho, Email Mrs. Pipho
- 563-382-3771
- John Hines, Email Mr. Hines
Content Area Coach – Zach Fromm
- 563-382-8427
- Email Mr. Fromm