Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Iowa includes organized educational programs offering a sequence of courses that are directly related to the preparation of individuals for employment in current or emerging occupations. These programs include competency-based applied learning, which contributes to an individual’s academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, and occupational-specific skills.
At the secondary level, CTE programs are organized within six broad service areas. As defined in Iowa Code section 256.11, subsection 5, paragraph “h”: The service areas include agriculture, food, and natural resources; arts, communications, and information systems; applied sciences, technology, engineering, and manufacturing, including transportation, distribution, logistics, architecture, and construction; health sciences; human services; and business, finance, marketing, and management. Decorah High School offers four program areas: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Applied Sciences; Technology, Engineering, and Manufacturing; Human Services; and Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management.
Programs within these service areas are further aligned with the National Career Clusters™ Framework. CTE programs at the postsecondary (community college) level are also organized by the Career Clusters™ framework.
CTE Curriculum
Detailed curriculum information by grade level is provided below. Click on each section to view the associated curriculum PDFs.
- Agricultural, Food, & Natural Resources
- Business Management & Administration
- Family & Consumer Science (Culinary Focus)
- Architecture, Construction & Manufacturing
- Middle School CTE connections
Content Area Coaches
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources & Architecture, Construction & Manufacturing – Zach Fromm
- (563) 382-8427
- Email Mr. Fromm
Business, Management & Administration – Andrew Ellingsen
- (563) 382-3125
- Email Mr. Ellingsen
Family & Consumer Science – Tyler Wedemeier
- (563) 382-8427
- Email Mr. Wedemeier