“What will we do if they don’t learn or they already know it?”
Decorah Community School District is committed to providing systematic interventions and extended learning to meet the needs of students who struggle to learn the standards or have already learned the standards.
High-Quality Instruction for All
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a proven practice to help schools identify and address the needs of every student to ensure all students learn at high levels. This is accomplished through ensuring high-quality universal core instruction and assessment, adapting instruction to fit those students’ individual needs, and then monitoring student progress.
A multi-tiered system of supports is a process that provides high-quality, evidence-based instruction based on learner needs. Student needs are identified by monitoring students’ progress over time. Adjustments to instruction and interventions are based on students’ performance and rate of success. MTSS promotes a well-integrated system, connecting general, gifted, and special education with intervention and enrichment services. MTSS provides high-quality, standards-based instruction and intervention that is matched to students’ academic, social, and behavioral needs.
Key Components
The Iowa MTSS framework is made up of five components.
- Evidence-based curriculum and instruction provided at the universal level.
- Universal screening of all students.
- Evidence-based, instructional interventions at the targeted and intensive levels shall be provided to each student who needs them.
- Progress monitoring for learners below expectations.
- Data-based decision making throughout the system.
- Learn more about Decorah’s MTSS process in the DCSD Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Manual.