The objective of National Honor Society is to recognize students who have demonstrated achievement in the following four areas:
Juniors or Seniors who have acquired a 3.5 GPA will be invited to apply based on scholarship. Eligible students must indicate their desire to be considered by submitting materials demonstrating their accomplishments in the remaining three areas of character, leadership, and service.
Candidates will be considered based on the quality of their essays and evidence of character, leadership, and service. Because all four areas are considered in the selection process, a top academic student may not be selected if any of the other areas are lacking.
While selection for membership in National Honor Society is a way for us to honor deserving students, it is also a responsibility. Upon induction into NHS, selected students will be expected to participate in chapter activities including meetings and service projects, etc. and to uphold the standards of character, scholarship, leadership, and service by which they were selected for induction.
- In mid-November, parents of Juniors and Seniors with a GPA of 3.5 or higher will receive a letter in the mail notifying them of their student’s eligibility for National Honor Society and information on how to apply.
- Students who then choose to commit to involvement in NHS will submit their application materials.
- An anonymous faculty council will review all applications and determine which students will be offered membership into NHS.
- In January, applicants will be notified by mail whether or not they have been selected for membership.
- Selected students will participate in an induction ceremony held in the high school auditorium on Tuesday, January 19 at 7:00 p.m.
After eligible students have received an invitation letter, they should carefully and thoroughly complete the following materials:
Essay. Essay should be similar to a college application essay and should describe, in detail, how you demonstrated honorable character, good leadership, and service to others. Your essay should include specific actions you have taken and stories about situations in which you have displayed these characteristics, not a description about what you think good character, service, and leadership are.
Attach your pdf files to an email and send to shannon.horton@decorah.k12.ia.us
All materials are due by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 2nd.
If you have any questions about National Honor Society, please contact one of the advisors:
- Liz Fox, liz.fox@decorah.k12.ia.us
- Shannon Horton, shannon.horton@decorah.k12.ia.us