Decorah Community School District takes safety and security very seriously. Providing a safe place for our students, educators, and staff to work and learn is essential to the success of our program.

A great deal of time and effort has been spent over the past few years strengthening our Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), aligning it with current practices and needs. As part of this effort, the staff has spent time becoming more familiar with the procedures for and responses to a variety of unexpected events. Each building in the district is represented on a safety committee. The committee serves a critical role in developing plans and disseminating preparedness information to all staff.

Safety and security are more than planning for emergency situations. Please use the sub-page navigation on the right-hand side of this web page to view our practices on visiting school buildings, facility event guidelines, crisis management, and inclement weather/emergency closure.

Director of Information, Systems, & Instructional Technology – Kurt DeVore