Decorah FFA on to Districts
February 17, 2021
The Decorah FFA competed at the Northwest FFA Sub-districts on Friday, February 12, 2021 at New Hampton High School. Eighteen members participated in six leadership development events. Five event entries were selected to advance to the Northeast Iowa FFA District Convention to be held on Saturday, March 13th at Independence High School. The chapter also had one contest receive alternate recognition.
The five events advancing to the district contest include Ag Sales: Karter Einck – 2nd place, gold; Chapter Program: Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Dalton Hemesath – 1st place, gold; Conduct of Meetings: Creed Monroe, Anders Lovstuen, Annika Brynsaas, Joe Breiner, Kayleigh Smith, Jeramiah Rediske, Olivia Christopher – 2nd place, silver; Job Interview: Shayla Smith – 2nd place, gold; and Parliamentary Procedure – Kyleigh Batterson, Alex Irwin, Morgan Moen, Chezny Ryant, Addison Wemark – 1st place, gold.
The chapter’s FFA creed speaking contestant, Braunwyn Darrington, received a silver rating and was selected as the alternate to districts.

First row (l-r): Anders Lovstuen, Creed Monroe, Joe Breiner, Jeramiah Rediske, Morgan Moen
Second row (l-r): Annika Brynsaas, Olivia Christopher, Chezny Ryant, Kyleigh Batterson, Braunwyn Darrington
Third row (l-r): Shayla Smith, Dalton Hemesath, Karter Einck, Grace Gerleman, Kaia Franzen, Kayleigh Smith, Addison Wemark, Alex Irwin