DCSD Releases Updated COVID Data, Remote Learning Info
February 5, 2021
Decorah Community School District is committed to providing transparent, accurate data regarding cases of isolation and/or quarantining related to COVID-19 while maintaining the confidentiality of students and staff. On September 18, the Iowa Department of Public Health and Iowa Department of Education released guidance to school districts and local public health agencies detailing communication of COVID-19 related data.
The Iowa Department of Public Health guidance can be found here.

Summary Positive COVID-19
- Of approximately 290 Staff – Twenty-seven (27) positive COVID-19, Twenty-seven (27) recovered
- Of approximately 1575 On-site students – Eighty-nine (89) positive COVID-19, Eighty-seven (87) recovered
County and District Trend Data
The graphs below reflect county and district data taken each Tuesday and Thursday since school began.

Friday, February 5 the District held their first ever weather-related closure remote learning day. All additional emergency closure days for the remainder of the 20-21 school year will be remote learning days. The DCSD Emergency Closure Remote Learning Day Plan outlines the schedule and logistics of a remote learning day.
Superintendent Lane shared, “Weeks like this are wonderful reminders of the dedicated work of our Decorah Schools staff. It takes a great deal of work to make normal school days happen, and when you add in challenging weather, we are forced to adapt quickly and work even harder. Just this week, we had staff moving snow at 4:00 am so that sidewalks and parking lots were clear. We had staff adjusting their plans for conducting parent/teacher conferences over the phone due to a loss of internet connectivity. We also engaged in our first-ever day of remote learning for a weather cancellation. I am grateful to every one of the adults who demonstrates their dedication to our students each and every day.”
Preparing for an Employee Vaccination Day
The District has been working collaboratively with Winneshiek County Public Health, St. Benedict’s School, and Crossroads Academy to plan a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for employees and active substitutes. The exact timing of the vaccination clinic is dependent on supply, but they want to be ready to move quickly when the county receives an adequate supply.
“When the supply is available, we will announce an emergency closure day with remote learning for students,” Lane said. “This will give us the time needed to deliver the 225 to 250 doses of vaccine. We hope to be able to give families and staff as much advance notice as possible, but we will move quickly when an adequate supply is available. Thank you in advance for your understanding of the need to work creatively to get everyone who works with our students vaccinated quickly.”