DHS Harvest Moon to be Performed at Decorah Parks
September 28, 2020
The Decorah High School Orchestra program will present their annual Harvest Moon concert this Sunday, October 4th. The format is new this year to allow for a safe, outdoor performance. The performing orchestra has been split into 4 small groups that will present a unique set of pop, rock, and jazz music.
The groups will rotate between three beautiful outdoor Decorah parks: The Decorah Prairie, Phelps Park, and Twin Springs. The concert at the Decorah Prairie will be from 3-4 PM and will occur within a short walk of the parking area. The concert at Phelps Park will be from 3:30-4:30 PM and will occur surrounding the bandshell. The concert at Twin Springs will be from 4-5 PM and will occur near the first parking area. Each concert is the same program.
The concert is free and open to the public. Audience members are asked to socially distance by family unit. Attendees are encouraged to RSVP in advance at http://bit.ly/harvestmoon2020. Reservations are encouraged but not required.